Dr Anoo Jain
Current Position
Consultant and Senior Clinical Lecturer in Neonatal Medicine
Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Nursery
University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust
Appointed 2nd June 2003
GMC Registration
3490747 (full)
Cert. of Completed Training Paediatrics &Subspecialty Neonatal Medicine 8th August 2003
FRCPCH, June 2010
Doctor of Medicine, 10th July 2001
MRCPCH (Honorary Award), 1st January 1997
MRCPI (Medicine of Childhood), 21st June 1996
MBBS, November 1990
Newborn Life Support Instructor, November 2001
Advanced Paediatric Life Support, June 2001
Accreditation Teacher in Higher Education, December 1999
Post Graduate Certificate of Academic Practice, November 1999
Learned Societies
Expert Witness Institute, Individual member
Neonatal Society (General Secretary), September 2008 – 2011
Neonatal Society (Meetings Secretary), September 2005 - 2008
Neonatal Society (Committee Member), September 2003 – 2005
British Assoc. of Perinatal Medicine (Hon Treasurer), Sep 2022 to date
Present Position
The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at St Michael’s Hospital is the regional referral unit for cardiac, surgical and specialist medical neonatal care (Therapeutic hypothermia, extreme prematurity, Neonatal surgery). We service an annual inborn delivery rate of approximately 6,000 with 15 intensive care cots, 8 high dependency cots and 8 special care cots, in addition to a 12 bedded transitional care ward. In 2021 we admitted 654 babies to NICU, of whom 92 were <1500 grams and 151 surgical or cardiac. In my present post my non clinical responsibilities have been;
- Chair of Local Negotiating Committee (since June 2012)
- Joint Lead for Neonatal Mortality (since September 2022)
- Clinical Director for the Neonatal service (2014 – 2022)
- Lead Neonatal Clinical Governance, Audit and Resuscitation 2012 - 2016
- Clinical Lead for the Neonatal service February 2007 – 2010
Medico Legal work
I have undertaken medico legal work since 2003 and have attended medico legal courses to keep myself up to date. I undertake clinical negligence and complex specialist medico legal work related to newborn infants or children. I have been called as an expert by HM Coroner, National Crime Agency and the General Medical Council. My claimant/defendant split is almost 1:1.
Terms and conditions
- I am familiar with the general duties of experts & report requirements
- I should be able to return a report within 8-12 weeks of receipt of the relevant documents
- My fee is £275 per hour (over last 4 years average hours for full report are 8-12)
- I am happy to consider work that is funded under the terms of legal assistance scheme

- Therapeutic hypothermia and outcome in hyponatraemic encephalopathy secondary to maternal water intoxication; BMJ Case Reports CP 2021;14:e237213
- Parental perceptions of the impact of neonatal unit visitation policies during COVID-19 pandemic; BMJ Paediatrics Open 2020;4:e000899
- Intact survival in 50% of cooled infants, who underwent prolonged resuscitation with a 10minute Apgar score of 0. Platform presentation at Pediatric Academic Societies meeting, Toronto May 2018
- Fetal haemoglobin, blood transfusion, and retinopathy of prematurity in very preterm infants: a pilot prospective cohort study; Eye (Lond). 2017 Oct;31(10):1451-1455
- Time Is Brain: Starting Therapeutic Hypothermia within Three Hours after Birth Improves Motor Outcome in Asphyxiated Newborns, Neonatology 2013;104:228–233
- Newborn Procedural Pain: Pediatric Anesthesia Volume 22 Supplement 1 July 2012 Good Practice in Postoperative and Procedural Pain Management 2nd Edition, 2012
- Good Practice in postoperative and procedural pain management 2nd Edition ; Pediatric Anaesthesia; Vol 22, Supp 1 July 2012 (impact factor 2.43)
- Management of pain in ventilated neonates: current evidence, Paediatrics and Child Health v 24 (1); 2013
- Temperature Control, Rennie & Roberton’s Textbook of Neonatal Medicine, 5th edition, 2012
- Neonatal Analgesia, , Rennie & Roberton’s Textbook of Neonatal Medicine, 5th edition, 2012
- Less is just as good – curosurf and respiratory morbidity: Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal Neonatal Edition 2011;96:Fa31 doi:10.1136/archdischild.2011.300164.48
- Respiratory Failure in the newborn infant; Arch. Dis. Child. Ed. Pract., Apr 2007;92: ep40 - ep43
- Project 27/28, an enquiry into the quality of acre and its effect on survival in babies born at 27- 28 weeks; Arch. Dis. Child. Fetal Neonatal Ed., 2004; 89: 76 – 83
- Topical Amethocaine Gel in the Newborn Infant, A Jain, DM Thesis, University of Nottingham, March 2001
- Which is more painful?: venepuncture or heel prick blood sampling with an automated device? Pediatric Research, April 2001: vol 49 (4 part 2), 2034A
- Topical amethocaine gel for pain relief of heel prick blood sampling? A randomised double blind controlled trial; Arch. Dis. Child. Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2001;84(1):F56-59
- Does topical amethocaine gel reduce the pain of venepuncture in newborn infants? A randomised double blind controlled trial; Arch. Dis. Child. Fetal Neonatal Ed., 2000; 83(3):F207-210
- Topical amethocaine gel in the newborn infant - how soon does it work and how long does it last? Arch. Dis. Child. Fetal Neonatal Ed., 2000; 3(3):F211-214
- Antenatal steroids, gender and maturation of the epidermal barrier in the preterm infant; Arch. Dis. Child. Fetal Neonatal Ed., 2000; 83 (2):F112 – 116
- The local anaesthetic effect of topical amethocaine gel in the newborn; Arch.Dis. Child. Fetal Neonatal Ed., 2000; 82:F42 – 45
- An ultrasound study of heel to calcaneum depth in the newborn; Arch. Dis. Child. Fetal Neonatal Ed., 1999;80:F243-245
- Paediatric consequences of multiple pregnancy; Current Obstetrics & Gynaecology, September 1998, vol. 8(3), pages 147 – 152.
Professor Peter J Fleming CBE
School of Social and Community Medicine
Centre for Child and Adolescent Health
Level D, St Michaels Hospital
Southwell Street
Bristol BS2 8EG
Tel: +44 117 342 5144 (University)
Dr Sandie Bohin
Consultant Neonatologist
Medical Specialists Group LLP
Alexandra House
Les Frieteaux
St Martin’s
Guernsey GY1 3EX